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The Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development programme (ACCEND)

Find out more about the programme and the framework here: NHS England ACCEND homepage 

The ACCEND programme is a multiyear funded programme (2022-2025). Aiming to provide guidance and direction on the knowledge, skills and capabilities required by all nurses and allied health professionals (AHP’s), caring for people in both general and specialist cancer services across the 4 UK nations.

The overall purpose of the  programme is to provide clear and transparent guidance and direction around the knowledge, skills and capabilities required by the supportive, assistive and registered nursing and AHP workforce.  The ACCEND framework was launched in January 2023 and is made up of three main components:

  1. Career Pathway

The career pathway aims to provide insight and guidance for the knowledge, behaviours and skills required to be working at each level of practice to enable the workforce to grow

  1. Core Cancer Capabilities in Practice (CiPs)

Capabilities are the attributes (skills, knowledge, and behaviours) which individuals bring to the workplace. These are spilt into different domains within the framework and are broken down for each level of practice.

  1. Education Framework

The education framework provides high level learning outcomes, syllabus and suggested assessment strategies for each part of the career pathway, supporting the knowledge requirements of the core cancer CiPs

You can find out more about what ACCEND means for you by clicking on the tiles below. 

How can ACCEND help you in your role?

NHS Learning Hub

eLearning packages available for your role

Level of Practice


Level of Practice


Level of Practice


Level of Practice


Level of Practice


Level of Practice


Level of Practice


Read the latest news from the ACCEND national team: 


The implementation of the ACCEND framework project is part of our Workforce Programme for 2024/25, which aligns with the main workforce priority areas highlighted as part of the NHS Long Term Plan, the NHS People Plan 2020/21: actions for us all, the Cancer Workforce Plan and the Diagnostics: Recovery and Renewal report.

We are working with three Trusts in Cheshire and Merseyside, running pilot projects to support with implementation of the framework.

The main objectives of the pilot projects are :

  • To engage with staff and provide them with an understanding of ACCEND
  • To communicate and help individuals to understand what the framework means for them
  • To highlight any gaps in capabilities across the workforce for each level of practice
  • To support individuals to take ownership of their development
  • To provide a clear career pathway evidencing against the framework

If you would like to find out more about implementation of the framework in Cheshire and Merseyside please contact Lucy Irwin via email

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