The UK Oncology Forum Faculty are pleased to announce that the 2023 UK Oncology Forum registeration is now open! There is NO fee to attend the UK Oncology Forum and the meeting is CME accredited. The ACP, BASO, BCTRCG, BOPA, NOTCH, Macmillan, UKON, UKOMiC and SABR will be collaborating and exhibiting at the meeting. Post ASCO highlights will feature.
Friday 16th June 2023 UK Oncology Forum Day 2
08:00 Industry Symposia (with breakfast)
09:00 Clinical break outs
12:00 Closing keynote speaker- Professor Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke
13:00 Meeting closes and lunch
13:15 Industry symposia with lunch
To register, please click here.