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Breast Cancer: Anatomy & Oncology

In this webinar, you will learn about the anatomy of the breast and how this relates to the types of breast cancer. You will begin to understand the risk factors for breast cancer and learn about the epidemiology of breast cancer. Staging and grading for will be covered and you will gain an appreciation of the treatment options available for people with breast cancer. This webinar will give you a good grounding in breast cancer and its treatment, you will gain a thorough understanding of terminology such as HER2, ER+ve and understand how our targeted and hormonal treatments can be used to good effect.

Click here to see the live webinar schedule.

Click here to see the recorded webinars available.

If you work within Cheshire & Merseyside you are able to access these webinars for FREE. Please click here for more information. 

Please check with your Cancer Alliance to see if these modules are available to you locally.