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Breast Cancer Screening in Liverpool & North Mersey

Via MS Teams (Click here to join the meeting)
Please copy this link into your calendar; no need to book; all welcome, just turn up

Join Dr Anu Shrotri, Director of the LUHFT Breast Screening Service & Wendy Thompson, LUHFT Breast Screening Programme Manager, in an interactive session to:

  • Learn about the evidence base and local data
  • Explore public misconceptions/concerns about breast screening; and benefits/risks of breast screening in general
  • Talk through the booking process; invitations, DNAs, opportunities to re-engage
  • Hear about the adjustments the service can make to accommodate different needs, eg language, physical access, learning disability
  • Facilitate two way learning between primary care and the breast screening service
  • Hear about the pilot planned for late spring, when the mobile breast screening unit will be located at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital; and find out how you can get involved in this work as it develops

This is a free session aimed at all members of the primary care team with a role or interest in breast screening, including:

  • Clinical teams; including GPs, nursing staff, HCAs
  • Care coordinators
  • Practice managers and reception staff

The session will involve a presentation and discussion. Please email questions in advance to  or bring them along on the day