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Introduction to Leukaemia

To help you understand leukaemia this webinar will first introduce you to blood cells, and their development. A grasp of this, along with a knowledge of the functions of these cells, will allow you to understand how leukaemia evolve and how they manifest themselves. Chronic myeloid, acute myeloid, chronic lymphocytic and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia will be covered and you will gain a good grounding in how these diseases progress and the likely treatment options available. In this webinar, you will be introduced to the concept of fusion genes (BCR-ABL, PML-RARA) and their role in certain types of leukaemia, and how a knowledge of these genes has led to the development of very useful targeted therapies.

Click here to see the live webinar schedule.

Click here to see the recorded webinars available.

If you work within Cheshire & Merseyside you are able to access these webinars for FREE. Please click here for more information. 

Please check with your Cancer Alliance to see if these modules are available to you locally.