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Niche to Necessity: The Circle of Life webinar

Have you registered to attend our free webinar on genomics?

If not, you can register today.

From Niche to Necessity: The Circle of Life webinar takes place Tue 19 Sep 2023, between 2 – 4pm via MS Teams.

The Future Now

Genomics is already being utilised in mainstream medical practice, and will become increasingly fundamental to the future of healthcare, transforming outcomes for patients and families.

But we can’t do it without you, nurses, midwifes, and health visitors will play a central role in mainstreaming genomics into healthcare.

The Time is Now

So, there is no better time to begin your genomics journey.

In a supportive environment, the webinar will give You the opportunity explore and discuss genomics, its use in healthcare, the opportunities it presents, and how to get involved; and you are probably already using genomics in your role!

Key Topics, Key Speakers

The event consists of an experienced panel of practicing professionals, all of whom will be discussing how genomics is being applied in healthcare environments today. And what tomorrow may bring.


No prior knowledge of genomics required, with the webinar suitable for all, from novice to expert.

Book Your Place Here