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Primary Care Conference 2023

Health Education England would like to invite you to SAVE THE DATE for the first ever North West Primary Care Conference, details of registration to follow soon. The 29th March will focus on Primary Care, 30th March will focus on Allied Health Professionals in Primary Care, both days will explore and celebrate achievements made to improve workforce and education across the North West region.

Each day starts at 9am-4.30pm with workshops running throughout the afternoon. There will be a quiet room for taking calls and urgent meetings during the day if needed and a prayer room. There is also an opportunity for you to take part in our marketplace where you can showcase your work and support better networking opportunities.

Food and refreshments will be provided. Please also forward and share with those who you think would benefit from attending. Places are limited to 140 so register early to avoid disappointment. If you are delivering at the event, you will still be required to register.

Feel free to contact me with any queries or if you are interested in a marketplace stall/ hosting a workshop.