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#StartWithPeople Spring Event

The #StartWithPeople virtual event is the main opportunity each year for people in the NHS and wider health and social care sector to gather and discuss how we work alongside people and communities.

Facilitated by the Public Participation team at NHS England, the day will include mainstage sessions and smaller interactive breakout sessions, all with the purpose of improving our relationships with the people we work in partnership with.

The event offers opportunities to connect with other health and care colleagues, and also learn ways to improve engagement with people and communities.


This year, our theme is power and what that means in the context of working in partnership with people and communities. We’ll explore how we all have different relationships to power, and different ideas about it.


We will shortly include details about the keynote speakers and workshop titles, but we promise that this will be a day filled with stimulating conversations and discussions.

The purpose of the event is to:

  • Champion working with people and communities and finding innovative solutions through working differently.
  • Have open discussions about how power can be used.
  • Provide real examples of good practice but also openly address challenges faced in health and care and find solutions.
  • Encourage people to make new connections with those in their community or specialism.

Why should you join:

  • The discussions will help challenge you to think about power and reflect on the power that you hold.
  • The event brings together health and care experts, activists and leaders with people who are interested in working with people and communities.
  • Gain new insights and ideas as a wide range of practitioners talk about innovative ways of engagement and how it is being delivered across the country.
  • Network with others in the sector across the country and develop opportunities for joint working and learning from each other.

Click here to register for the event.