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The Cancer Pathway & the Role for the Community Health Practitioner

Organised and delivered by Surrey Heartlands Macmillan Cancer Pathway Interface Programme, this is an interactive webinar session for Community Health Practitioners.

The story of cancer has changed. In the 1970’s it was mostly about people dying with cancer. Now, the combination of an ageing and growing population and more effective cancer treatments, means 1 in 2 of us born after 1960 are at risk of developing cancer and the number of people living with and far beyond cancer continues to rise. With this changing picture, it is important for healthcare to keep changing too.

Learn about:

  • Cancer prevention messages and promoting screening uptake
  • Why cancer can be considered a long-term condition
  • The potential consequences of living with cancer as a long-term condition and the impact of cancer treatments, and the possible associated health & well-being support needs of people living with and beyond cancer, and their families
  • How you can support people living with and beyond cancer with their health and well-being.

The webinar will last approximately 3 hours and will be delivered using MS Teams. You will need access to a microphone and camera, and a smart phone to participate.

This training is offered FREE, due to the generous funding by Macmillan Cancer Support, therefore if booking please commit to attending.

N.B. If you do not receive a booking confirmation email from Eventbrite, please check your junk email inbox.

Click here to reserve a spot on this webinar.