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The National Cancer Manager and MDT Coordinator Networks drop-in Information Session

Are you a cancer MDT coordinator, facilitator, navigator, or pathway tracker? Or a cancer performance, services, or information manager?
The National Cancer Manager and MDT Coordinator Networks can support you in your role.

Who are The National Cancer Manager and MDT Coordinator Networks?
Peer support networks (one for MDT Coordinators, one for cancer managers), with a combined total of over 600 members, who communicate and meet regularly to share learning and best practice and address challenges as a group, facilitated by the NHS Cancer Programme.

What can you gain from joining?
• Peer support and an opportunity to meet colleagues from across the country
• A space to ask questions and find solutions for shared problems
• The opportunity to participate in share and learn sessions, showcase what works well, and help to facilitate change
• Separate annual in-person MDT coordinator and cancer manager conferences for you to collaborate with your peers
• A mentoring programme
• Access to resources which may help you and your team

To learn more, join a drop-in information session on MS Teams with a member of the NHS Cancer Programme team:
Tuesday 30th July, 11:00am: Click here
Tuesday 20th August, 15:00pm: Click here
Thursday 26th September, 10:00am: Click here

Or email: