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New Prostate Cancer and PSA Test CPD Module

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the UK, and sadly it is the second most common cause of cancer death in men in the UK.

It is important to acknowledge that prostate cancer is a disease with very variable rates of clinical progression and deciding who has clinically significant prostate cancer without over-diagnosing men who do not, remains a complex challenge for us in primary care.

This latest FREE CPD module on prostate cancer and PSA tests, reviews NICE’s 2021 updated Suspected Cancer Guidelines in addition to their guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Prostate Cancer.

Are you aware of the risk factors associated with prostate cancer? Do height/birth-weight/and hair loss appear on your list?! Are you aware of which symptoms should prompt us to consider offering a PSA test/digital rectal examination? In accordance with the latest NICE NG12 Guidelines, which patients will then require a referral to urology?

For answers to these questions and for an in-depth review of prostate cancer, please click here.  This CPD module is FREE to everyone.